Recipe by Donna Hay (Australia's Martha Stewart)
From the kitchen of: Michelle Quinn
NOTE: recipe can easily be expanded to meet the needs of whatever crowd you are feeding.
2 chicken breast fillets, trimmed
1 package of firm feta cheese (aka not crumbled) cut into cheese sticks
1 lemon (1 tablespoon of lemon zest and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice)
5 sprigs of any fresh woody herb (i.e. oregano, thyme, rosemary, marjoram, etc…)
Olive oil (for drizzling)
Cracked black pepper
1 pkg baby spinach
Preheat oven to 350o F.
Place chicken in pan, zest lemon over everything, then cut lemon and squeeze juice over (be careful not to get seeds in the pan). Note: If you like lots of lemon, then use 2 instead of 1. Place the feta sticks on and around the chicken. Drizzle olive oil over everything, especially the feta sticks, as it will crisp the outside and leave the inside melty. Place fresh herbs on (I usually pull the leaves off and do not place the “stick” part of the herb on). Sprinkle with pepper.
The idea is that the olive oil with cook down with the juices of the chicken and lemon to create a pan sauce which will be served over the chicken. Bake until chicken is done (20-40 min depending on size of pan and amount of food in it).
TO SERVE: Make a bed of fresh baby spinach on a plate. Place a piece of chicken and some of the cooked feta on the spinach. Take some of the pan sauce and drizzle it over the chicken and on the spinach. Delicious!
Note: leftovers are great on salad and sandwiches (either hot or cold).